Sanoodi Share your adventure Mon, 21 Sep 2020 17:46:58 +0000 en-US hourly 1 French Bulldogs With Underbites Mon, 21 Sep 2020 17:46:58 +0000 French Bulldogs are lovable, energetic, and friendly little creatures. In this article, we will discuss why your Frenchie might have an underbite and if it’s normal. We collected this information from some reputable sources with a lot of expertise in French Bulldog care.

Is It Normal To Have an Underbite?

It is indeed normal for French Bulldogs to have an underbite. Sometimes, they are more pronounced than others. An underbite is inevitable in French Bulldogs due to the structure of their skulls. Some short-faced Frenchies have pronounced lower jaws, which causes their lower teeth to poke out when they are at rest. Some competitions can even disqualify your dog if it doesn’t have a noticeable underbite at the age of 5 months, so in that case, they are also a blessing.

If you want to learn more about why your dog has an underbite, the problems associated with it, and what you as an owner should do, then read on.

What Is an Underbite?

An underbite is common in some breeds of dogs. When teeth are not aligned properly, it causes the lower jaw to jut out further than the upper jaw. The result is visible lower teeth when the dog’s mouth closes. Underbites can be very mild, requiring no action. But in some dogs, they can be very severe and may even warrant surgery.

Identifying if your dog has an underbite is not that hard. There are many variations from breed to breed. If the lower teeth are visible but comfortable and functional, then there is no issue. On the contrary, if your dog has tooth-to-tooth or tooth-to-tissue contact that shouldn’t be there, it causes problems.


The alignment of the upper and lower teeth is referred to as occlusion. Normal occlusion is when the teeth in the upper jaw hang over the lower ones by a fraction. In normal occlusion, there are no teeth that rest above each other or rub against the gum tissue. When the teeth are not aligned normally, then we refer to it as malocclusion. A class three malocclusion is known as an underbite.

Reasons for Underbites in French Bulldogs

French Bulldogs are more susceptible to having teeth problems than other dogs because they are short-nosed (brachycephalic) and have an underbite genetically. Heritage is the main reason for the underbite. This trait has passed down in French Bulldogs as a result of breeding from generations. All dogs have 42 teeth. If your dog is a short-nosed breed, it would have to fit those 42 teeth in a smaller space. This causes an underbite as the top teeth will not fit perfectly with the lower ones. Some other causes can include the following.

·        Dental malocclusion

A dog may have an underbite if there is an abnormality in the position of teeth arrangement, but the facial structure is normal.

·        Skeletal malocclusion

An abnormality in the facial structure of your dog can lead to its teeth not aligning well together, which also causes an underbite.

Both of these reasons are also somewhat genetic. Genetics can increase the chances of malocclusion, and then these traits are passed down to the other generations.

Problems Associated With French Bulldogs’ Underbites

A large number of French Bulldogs have an underbite, but it varies in severity. It is not very common for French Bulldogs to have problems with it. A small underbite is perfectly normal. You should keep an eye on your dog and watch out for any associated issue. A dog with an unhealthy underbite can face some difficulties, which can include the following.

1.      Loose teeth

Short-nosed French Bulldogs have so many teeth to fit in their mouth, so they are most likely to have loose or crooked teeth.

2.      Damage to teeth and tissue

When their teeth don’t align properly, which is called malocclusion, the teeth wear out, and the teeth and gum tissue collide. When a dog’s mouth closes, some of the teeth rest over each other and not in the empty spaces in the jaw. This can cause its teeth to wear out with time, especially if your dog likes to chew a lot. The soft tissue of the inside jaw of the lower teeth gets damaged and infected, which can be very painful.

3.      Infections and diseases

As the underbite causes wounds in the gum tissue, the dog becomes more susceptible to bacteria and various infections and mouth diseases. Despite an underbite, dogs are more prone to gum diseases because the pH level of their mouth is basic, which leads to the rapid formation of plaque. According to statistics, there are about 600 different types of bacteria in a dog’s mouth.

4.      Difficulty in eating

This is one of the biggest problems. If the underbite is severe and the dog has wounds in its mouth, it will have a hard time chewing and eating. This can lead to serious illness as your dog will be weak due to a lack of nourishment.

What Should the Owner Do?

If your dog has an underbite and you are seriously concerned that it could be a problem in the future, then the first thing you should do is to consult a vet. The vet will check for any soreness or infection and give a professional opinion on whether the underbite is problematic or not. Even if your vet clears your dog for underbite issues, you should still keep an eye out and regularly check for blood in the saliva or discomfort while your dog eats.

A Few Things an Owner Can Try

If you are worried about your Frenchie’s underbite problem, you can try a few things to give your furry buddy some relief. Surgery really should be the last resort.

  • Keep your Frenchie away from chewing toys. Every French Bulldog loves to chew but for the sake of their health, take them away. Chewing can cause the teeth to rub against the gums more and exacerbate the issue.
  • If your vet has shown concern about the underbite situation, then you need to pay close attention. Keep an eye on your dog and look for any signs of behavioral change. Give them love and affection if they are in pain.
  • If the underbite has already caused wounds or sores in their mouth, then the dog can’t eat typical food. Look for soft food that it can easily chew and swallow. It will also help to heal the sore faster.

Treatment Options

There are no quick fixes, and there isn’t anything that the owner personally can do for underbites. But if it is causing your dog much discomfort, then there are a few ways to help your pet.

Some of the possible medical procedures for adult dogs include the following:

  • Teeth extraction
  • Teeth filling
  • Canine braces
  • Non-surgical ball therapy

Shopping for a Puppy With an Underbite

If you are shopping for a French Bulldog and have found one with an underbite, you need to consider a few things before bringing the puppy home.

You should mentally prepare yourself for any future underbite-related problems your dog might face. According to statistics, 80% of dogs have an active dental disease after the age of three. Although you may find the underbite cute, your focus should instead be on the well-being and happiness of your dog. You should also know that slight underbites in puppies are not permanent and may go away with time.

Permanent Underbite

While underbites in some puppies go away with time as they develop and the misalignment corrects itself, some small dogs that show signs of an underbite will have it even when they grow up. Generally, after the age of 10 months, the teeth alignment will be permanent, and it will not change with time. However, it may still vary from breed to breed.

Common Dog Breeds With Underbites

Development of an underbite is possible in any dog, but it is more common in some breeds. It is mostly genetic, and short-faced dogs are particularly prone to having this trait. Some breeds that are more likely to have an underbite are:

  • Shih Tzu
  • Pug
  • English Bulldog
  • French Bulldog
  • King Charles Spaniel
  • Pekingese
  • Lhasa Apso
  • Boston Terrier

French Bulldogs’ Teeth Progression

Just like human babies, French Bulldogs are also not born with teeth. The milk teeth will come after they are past two weeks. In general, a puppy will have 28 teeth, while an adult dog will have 42 teeth. As soon as your Frenchie reaches the age of three months, its adult teeth will start coming out. It will have a complete set of teeth when it reaches the age of 7 to 8 months.


French Bulldogs are adorable creatures and even look cute with a small underbite. An underbite is genetic and totally normal. But some cases of underbites can be painful, causing harm and pain to the dog. The owner should look out for such issues and seek professional help in that case.

Why Are My French Bulldog’s Ears Down? Mon, 21 Sep 2020 17:45:59 +0000 French Bulldogs are adorable with their wrinkly faces and large, bat-like ears. In this article, we are going to discuss why your Frenchie might have floppy ears. We have collected this information from trusted websites and sources who have experience in French Bulldog care.

Why Are Their Ears Down?

As you may have noticed, French Bulldogs have unusually large ears when they are little. They may even look out of proportion on their small face. These big and bulky ears need quite a lot of cartilage to stand erect. Researchers say that it mainly relates to their teething development. As they start to teeth, most of the calcium goes to their teeth, leading to their ears being soft.

If you are a concerned owner and want to learn more, then continue reading. We have more information about this issue. We are also going to discuss some methods people use to fix this problem, and you can see which one is appropriate for you.

Why Does the Ear Perking-up Dilly-Dally?

French Bulldogs are intelligent and friendly creatures. They can be referred to as the distant cousins of English Bulldog. The large bat-like ears are arguably the most adorable part of a French Bulldog. An intriguing thing about their ears is that they may not all look the same. Some have floppy ears, while others have pointy ears. During the development phase, their ears do all kinds of circus dances. They don’t go up, and then they suddenly perk up, then one of the ears stays erect, while the other stays floppy. Sometimes, they may go down after staying upright for a while.

Understandably, this creates concern among the owners of these dogs. However, as we clarified before, it is absolutely normal for French Bulldogs to have floppy ears.

Connection With Teething

According to researchers, the teething process can be one of the causes of this. As your Frenchie starts teething, all of the attention and calcium in the body goes toward teeth development. This means that only a small quantity of calcium goes towards the ears, and the cartilage takes time to thicken properly.

Teething is essential because your little fella needs teeth to chew food and grow. As soon as the teething process completes, the normal distribution of calcium in the body is restored. By then, the necessary ear structure would have formed, and it will take only a little while for them to perk up.

When Do Their Ears Go Up?

Each puppy develops differently; there is no hard and fast rule for when their ears will perk up. Some puppies have erect ears by the age of 4 weeks. For others, it may take up to 3 months. Some French Bulldogs take up to 7 to 8 months in unusual cases. However, according to the general rule of thumb, it may take them 5 to 15 weeks. Ideally, 7 weeks are enough for most puppies.

For some, the ears may never go up. The chance of floppy ears in French Bulldogs is around 10%. It can take them a year to be fully erect, and you will need to exercise patience. It is not a health issue, so love your Frenchie with its floppy ears. Every puppy has its own timeframe. While this may worry you, it is completely normal. If by the 7th or 8th week, their ears haven’t perked up, you may lend them a hand. We will discuss that later.

Owners commonly panic about the following things.

1.      One ear is floppy while the other is standing up

A Frenchie with one ear up and the other down looks adorable and funny. Don’t worry, though; it is totally normal. It means that their cartilage and muscles are developing as they should. Some puppies will have this trait, while others won’t. You have to wait at least until they have fully developed their teeth, which can be a period of 7 to 8 months. Their ears can go from floppy to erect and then again to being floppy. It isn’t anything to be concerned about, though.

2.      They were erect yesterday, but now they are down

The floppy ears can perk up for a while and then go down. Many owners have seen and reported this. It is not uncommon and completely normal. As we mentioned earlier, it is all a part of that cartilage and muscle dance. If it still worries you, you can ask your breeder about the parents of your dog. If they had floppy ears that didn’t develop until later, the chances are that it is hereditary.

3.      The ears are curled

Curling of the ears is also typical. Experts say that your Frenchie’s ears may curl because of the pulsating movement at the temple when they are chewing. After they develop their teeth, they will chew on anything they find around them. Once their normal calcium distribution process restores, this issue will resolve itself.

When Should I Worry?

We don’t think it is something to be concerned about, but some owners will still worry. If you are among them, you might want to know about the precautions you can take to prevent the floppy ears. If your dog is past the age of eight months, then it is unlikely that its ears will perk up on its own. You might even think it is too late. That is not necessarily the case, though. However, it’s wise to take action before they are six months old if you’re anxious. There are some methods you can try to help your Frenchie raise its ears.

·        Consult your veterinarian

You should talk with the breeder first and rule out hereditary ear floppiness. If that is not the case, then you can go to the vet. Do a health check-up of your dog and investigate any developmental issues. The vet may recommend some dietary changes or nutrients that can help.

·        Avoid giving them nutrients yourself

We know that issues with ears perking up correspond with teething and imbalanced calcium distribution, but still, don’t think that giving your dog calcium supplements will solve the problem. Too many calcium supplements can even lead to health issues. You can try giving natural foods like cottage cheese or yogurt to your puppy. These foods are rich in calcium and may help in their development.

·        Try giving them cartilage-encouraging supplements

Ears consist of cartilage. Bones and cartilage are different. You don’t require the same supplements for cartilage as you would for bones. Some owners use glucosamine tablets. According to vets, they are the number one cartilage-encouraging supplements. They help the growth of your Frenchie’s cartilage and connective tissue.

You can also help them by giving them some chew toys. Chewing will help them with teeth development and will also strengthen their muscles. The temporalis muscle under their ears and above the jaw grows strong with chewing. It also helps the ears to perk up. More chewing usually means a reduction in the floppiness of the ears.

·        Taping method

Some owners have also tried the taping ears method, and they have reported that it helped their dogs. We don’t think it is necessary as floppy ears look rather cute, but if you still want to try, you can start when they’re around five months old. You do this by tearing off some masking tape and placing it around the ears and leaving it like that for a few days. Keep in mind that it may be uncomfortable for your pet, though.

Some Other Reasons for Ear Floppiness

Some French Bulldogs will have floppy ears well after they have fully developed their teeth. Your vet can explain this much better. However, here some reasons we found:

·        Breeding

There is a small market for French Bulldogs with floppy ears. Breeders try to engineer French Bulldogs with floppy ears that never perk up. They are also called French Bulldogs with rose ears. They either have floppy ears or ears that have curled back.

·        Injury

French Bulldogs are friendly and energetic. They run around and play a lot. While it is a good exercise for them, it can also make them susceptible to injury. Ears can get cut, squeezed, or may suffer some other kind of trauma. This can cause them to droop and can often result in one floppy ear.


If you are a proud owner of a French Bulldog, you might have, or you may still be facing the issue of their ears not rising when they should. We’d like to tell you that it is not something to worry about and is a very normal thing. French Bulldogs follow a pattern of ear development, and it is mainly connected with their teething. There are a few things you can do to help, but we think they are adorable just the way they are. You should be patient and wait for your puppy to develop fully; some just take longer than others.

Do Poodles have Hair or Fur? Mon, 21 Sep 2020 17:44:44 +0000 Poodles are the most easily recognizable dog breeds. This is because of their distinct fur. Or is it the hair?

Unlike most dogs who have fur, poodles have hair. Their hair is a single coat that does not shed like fur. Fur and hair have a lot of similarities, but there are a few important differences. Poodle hair responds to environmental and hormonal changes, just like human hair.

Keep reading to learn more about poodle hair and how different it is from fur.


How is a hair different from fur?

Fur and hair look very similar, and hence people assume they need the same care. However, there are a lot of nuances between the two which need to be kept in mind. There is no material difference since both are made up of keratin. The differences lie in how they feel, look, and how you should take care of them.


Texture Differences

One of the major differences is in the texture of hair and fur. Poodles have only a single layer of hair. However, dogs with fur have a double layer. Hair is smoother and keeps growing if you allow it to.

The fur, on the other hand, sheds at specific lengths. Hence poodle owners don’t have to worry about being covered in fur. Poodle hair and be straight, wavy, or curly. Just like human hair, their hair can get tangled very easily. You need to pay close attention to their grooming needs.

Dogs with fur have a topcoat along with an undercoat. The undercoat is soft and regulates the dog’s body temperature. This gives me a thick furry look. The fur is mostly denser and shorter than hair. This is because they have more follicles on their skin for fur growth.

Growth Cycle Differences

Fur and hair have significantly different growth cycles. This difference impacts the look and feel of dog fur and poodle hair.

Both have similar stages during their growth cycle at different speeds. Poodle hair undergoes a shorter growth cycle, which results in negligible shedding.

The growth cycle involves the steps given below.

  • Anagen

At the stage, the follicle becomes active.

  • Catagen

During this phase, the sheath of the root bonds with the hair. The growth comes to a pause.

  • Telogen

This is a dormant phase where hair neither grows nor dies.

  • Exogen

At the phase, the fur starts shedding, and the cycle begins again. Dogs shed more in summer to get rid of the winter coat.

The differentiating phase is the anagen phase of the growth cycle. This phase is slower in the case of poodle hair. Dogs with fur need to maintain a healthy coat and undergo this phase faster.

Allergic Reactions

Dogs with fur shed every 3-4 days. Along with the fur, they also shed dander. This is very problematic for people who are prone to allergies. The dander and protein compounds can lead to continuous sneezing and watery eyes. The allergens keep spreading everywhere with the shedding fur that can become difficult to control.

Poodles shed unnecessary hair and dander after 21 days. The occasional shedding makes poodle an ideal breed for someone with an allergic tendency. However, this means that dander would remain trapped in your poodle’s hair for a very long time. This accumulation of dander can lead to dander-related allergies whenever you play with your dog. Constant grooming can help avoid such dander build-ups in hair.

Another thing to keep in mind is that not all allergies are due to the fur or hair itself. Various factors contribute to an allergic reaction. Some of these are:

  • Saliva
  • Dog’s Urine
  • Dander
  • Pollen
  • Dust


Grooming Advice for Poodle Hair

Poodle hair care is mostly preventive. Poodle’s curly hair can become difficult to manage if not groomed regularly.

Brushing tips for poodle hair

As poodles have hair instead of fur, matting becomes a common problem. Proper hair care can prevent the formation of knots and dander build-ups.

  • Massaging strokes

Brush in massaging strokes and go all the way down to the skin. This improves circulation and removes dander along with dead skin particles. Poodle hair can get tangled very easily. This can lead to matting of hair. Hence it is important to reach the roots while brushing.

  • Slicker brushes

Slicker brushes are tightly spaced with thin wires. This makes them suitable for penetrating curly poodle hair.

  • Ticks and burrs

Always look for ticks and burrs while brushing your poodle. There are high chances your poodle will pick them up outdoors.

  • Coat dressings

These products have anti-static compounds that control non-oil conditioners and fly-a-away. It helps in repelling dirt, which otherwise sticks to the hair. Mostly these products also have ultraviolet sunscreen.

  • Trim regularly

Keeping your poodle’s hair short helps in avoiding some major problems. It is also easier to brush shorter hair.

  • Make it a routine

It is advisable to brush your poodle’s hair daily. This way, your dog will get accustomed to it and welcome it. Poodles can be stubborn sometimes. Hence a routine will help your poodle have shining smooth hair.


Bathing tips for poodle hair

Ideally, a poodle should be bather after 4-6 weeks. However, if your poodle stays mostly outdoors, goes for a swim, and plays in the mud, then you need to bath it frequently.

A few things to keep in mind are:

  • Shampoos and conditioners

Bathing products should have minimum sulfates, parabens, phosphates, and phthalates. These chemicals can damage their skin over time. Poodle hair is water-resistant, so the shampoo needs to be strong enough to penetrate the coat. A pH balance of 6.5-7.5 is suitable for poodle skin.

  • Don’t overdo it

You might think bathing your poodle every other day will be good for them. Excessive bathing can lead to skin irritation and damaged follicles. Dogs need a bath to get rid of dirt and grime. However, they have natural abilities to maintain their hygiene.

  • Skin issues

In case your poodle has skin or hair issues, it is better to use shampoos and conditioners recommended by your vet.


Female Poodles suffering from Hair Loss

When a female poodle is in heat or whelping a litter, her coat can become thin, leading to hair loss. This happens due to the surge of estrogen in the blood, which causes hormonal imbalances in her body.

In some cases, hair loss can be severe, causing exposed skin patches. It takes around four months for the hair to grow back to its original length. However, by that time, your poodle will start another heat cycle.

A nutritious diet taking care of the special needs of the poodle will control hair loss to an extent. Vitamin supplements provided by the vet can help in faster regrowth.


Hair Loss in Poodles suffering from Health Issues

A health problem can lead to sudden hair loss in male poodles. For female poodles, if the hair loss continues after three months of giving birth, there could be some underlying issues. Whenever a poodle has health issues that cause the hair to fall out, there is a high possibility that the hair won’t grow back as expected. This condition is known as post-loss alopecia.

With proper care, it takes approximately 24 months for poodle hair to grow back. Melatonin greatly helps in stimulating the growth of hair follicles.


Summing it up

Though most people think every dog has fur, poodles do have hair instead. These curly, wavy locks look beautiful but need special attention. The rarely shedding hair will suit allergic people only if they are maintained and groomed properly.



How Many Puppies Do Golden Retrievers Have? Mon, 21 Sep 2020 17:43:49 +0000 Golden retrievers are one of the most friendly, energetic, and intelligent dog breeds. They are the third most popular dog breeds in the United States of America, and they live up to 12 years.

Expanding your retriever family only seems to be the logical course of action after the little puppy you brought home brought so much love and energy into your homes. And before you knew it, the little puppy you brought home from the breeder is now ready to start her own family.

Are you wondering how many puppies can Golden Retrievers have? Let’s find out!


How many puppies can Golden Retrievers usually have?

Well, the litter size of golden retrievers varies between 8 and 12 puppies. This, obviously, depends on the mother. Are you now wondering what factors determine the size of the litter and what pregnancy-related changes you may observe in your retriever? Continue reading to know more about to expect from your pregnant pooch.


Pregnancy-related changes

Some pregnancy-related changes which you will see in your golden retriever are:

  • Less physical activity. Your otherwise active canine may now seem less active and may prefer sleeping over exercise.
  • Loss of appetite in the first few days. In the initial days of pregnancy, she may not eat much. But the appetite will return after a few weeks, and you will see her belly growing.
  • Becomes more affectionate. The motherly instincts kick in, and the pregnant retriever becomes more friendly and affectionate. While pregnant humans crave for chocolate or ice creams, the retriever will crave for more belly rubs and pets.
  • Vaginal discharge. The creamy or transparent discharge may be observed, which you will see the retriever licking off. If the reddish discharge is observed, you should contact your veterinarian at the earliest.
  • Milk discharge towards the end of pregnancy. Milky discharge indicates that the whelping process will be starting soon.

The gestation period of canines is about nine weeks, and you should be ready to welcome the puppies in the third month of pregnancy. The good news at this point is that during the whelping process, you do not need to do anything. Just let nature take over the process.


Major factors which affect litter size

Golden retrievers become sexually active from nearly a year old and remain so till old age. These are large breed dogs, and a number of factors contribute to their litter size. The major factors which affect litter size are


Genes play an important role in the litter size. It is the genes that determine how many eggs are released in the womb and how many have the chances of being fertilized. It is important to note that the genes of both the parents determine the size of the litter.


The size of the litter increases with the age of the retriever. A young retriever will have a small litter while a retriever of 4 to 5 years old will have a larger litter.


The overall health of the retriever also plays an important role in determining the size of the litter. A healthy retriever will produce a large litter while an overweight retriever will more likely give a small litter.


A healthy is very important for the parents. Especially the would-be mother needs to have a healthy diet with a good immune system to carry a healthy pregnancy.


However, a number of factors result in reduced litter size. If the sire was too old, the sperm count might be low, which will result in fewer eggs being fertilized and thus a smaller litter size.

If the mating did not take place on the two most fertile days of the dog, the size would vary. The health of both parents also matters a lot.

Any injuries on either party will affect the litter size. An extended or long labor may also lead to the birth of stillborns and, thus, a reduced litter size.


Clinical techniques to determine litter size

Towards the end of the gestation period, your vet may be able to determine the size of the litter by ultrasonography or by taking an X-ray.

Ultrasonography is a safe technique for both mother and the litter. However, on the day of delivery, you may find one or two extra wigglers.

This is because sometimes the puppies are placed inside the womb in such a way that they are not detected by the vet.

Pregnancy care tips

Exercise: The pregnant pooch can be taken out for short walks but do not exhaust her. Pregnancy causes fatigue, but a little exercise is required to keep fit.

Vaccinations and other treatments: All vaccinations should be completed prior to a planned mating. However, if there remain any pending vaccination shots, contact your vet to know about their safety for the mother and the unborn puppies.

It is generally advised to continue with any required treatments for worms and fleas during the pregnancy.

Worms such as hookworms and roundworms tend to pass on from the mother to the unborn pups, and therefore extra care is required.


Complications during golden retriever’s pregnancy

Different complications may come up during your retriever’s pregnancy. The lack of a calm and comfortable environment during the whelping process may have an adverse effect on the mother and the puppies.

Extremely large litter size may need a caesarean delivery. You should also note that an extremely long delivery may be due to a still born puppy.

If the still born remains in the uterus, it may create complications for the mother.


Preparation for the whelping process

The pregnant retriever will need a comfortable place to give birth to the puppies. The whelping process will be a long one, and she will need to be in a comfortable place where there is a minimum disturbance.

Prepare a whelping box with a warm blanket and a warm light. Place the box in a secluded area where there is a minimum movement of humans.

Keep the retriever away from other dogs. Once the whelping process starts, your intervention will not be required. However, you should keep an eye from afar.

Nature will take its course, and the mother will know what needs to be done. However, if the is unable to remove the puppy from the sac after birth, you can slowly cut it from the head side. Removal of the sac is important to allow the newborn pup to breathe.

By now, you should know how big a litter size to expect from your golden retriever and what factors affect the litter size. Moreover, understanding the breeding process helps you understand what to expect at various stages.

After the birth of the puppies, you will need to know certain aspects with respect to caring for newborn puppies. The more you read, the more you will learn about the entire process.

Do remember to keep your pregnant dogs in a stress-free, happy environment and keep them away from other aggressive dogs. Injuries during pregnancy may cause complications.

It’s important to have a clear idea about the litter size of your Golden Retriever and to take care of your flurry pet properly.



How Much Do Corgis Shed? Mon, 21 Sep 2020 17:43:23 +0000 Getting a new pet Corgi means prepping for house-training, creating exercise and meal plans, and of course, grooming!

In this article, we will tell you everything there is to know about Corgi shedding patterns. Thanks to our extensive research and grooming tips, you will be able to ensure the best health for your pet!

Corgis are, in fact, heavy shedders in comparison to other pets. They have naturally thick coats, with a double layer of fur.

While these coats offer them optimum protection, this can leave tufts of fur lying around the house. Corgis will shed daily year-round, with accelerated shedding during spring and summer shedding seasons.

Knowing about your pet’s shedding patterns and personal hygiene is the responsibility of every pet owner.

To ensure your Corgi’s comfort read on about how to manage their heavy shedding with the right techniques.


Why Do Corgis Shed Excessively?

Corgi’s shed heavily due to their double layer of fur. This double layering is present because it evolved from herding dogs.

The thick layers gave them enough warmth in the winters and kept them cool during summers. As a result, profuse shedding is a part of their natural physical tendencies.

Are you adopting a new Corgi or trying to take better care of your current pup? If yes, then shedding maintenance is something to think about in detail. This will involve the right kind of brushing of fur, as well as the upkeep of your domestic space.

Since many people have allergic reactions to fur, shedding patterns should be considered before adoption. Not to mention, excess shedding can become a regular nuisance even without the issue of allergies.

Yet, since shedding offers multiple benefits to your Corgi, balancing your needs with those of your pet is crucial.


Best Brushing Techniques For Shedding Corgis

Brushing techniques are one way to manage your Corgi’s excessive shedding. Overlooking regular brushing or hasty and feeble brushing can cause some serious health concerns.


Bathing Your Corgi Before Brushing

Bathing your Corgi before brushing is a great idea, especially during shedding seasons. This helps to shake off the dead hair, dirt, and any other debris that might be stuck in their thick fur. Once these irritants are gone, brushing will be less of an ordeal.

During shedding seasons, frequent baths are permissible and even recommended. Go for weekly baths and make use of high-quality products with careful discernment. The shampoos and grooming products you use should always be checked beforehand to be compatible with your Corgi’s skin.

Keep in mind that your Corgi isn’t still wet when you begin brushing. Once dry, the fur will be the fluffiest and allow your brushing to be most efficient.


Regular Brushing And What To Look Out For

Regular brushing will help to keep shedding concentrated within the time period allotted to grooming. It will reduce entanglement and matting of fur that can occur due to negligence. Moreover, long periods without brushing can cause dead hair and skin to pile up. This will eventually lead to skin disease, odor, and irritation.

Over time, regular brushing will also become a great bonding experience with your Corgi. They will associate these times with comfort and care, along with consistency.

The main benefit of the regular brushing is that you will always be aware of your Corgi’s fur and skin health. Since bruises, cuts, infections, and other injuries get hidden under thick fur, make sure to carefully look out for them.


Brushing Schedules

It goes without saying that you will have to brush your Corgi every day, but for how long? It might be a good idea to create a brushing schedule to streamline your shedding management.

If you already keep your Corgi well-groomed, then brushing shouldn’t become too hectic. Only a few minutes on a routine basis will do just fine.

As per American Kennel Club standards, daily brushing with slicker brushes or wire combs is optimal. You can also purchase an additional rake comb and de-shedding tool. These will help loosen up dirt and irritants along with dead hair in the fur.


Corgi Shedding Patterns And Domestic Concerns

Now that you know about basic shedding management, how can you manage your domestic space amidst heavy shedding?

Firstly, pet owners should always look into vacuums with special fur cleaning mechanisms. These are particularly built to effectively and quickly suck up fur without choking your vacuum.

Additionally, invest in lint rollers to conveniently clean off fur from clothes. As much as you may love to cuddle your Corgi, your colleagues may not appreciate your fur-covered suit as much!

Corgi Shedding Patterns And Additional Factors

Shedding is a natural process, and thus also indicative of overall health and even linked to dietary concerns.

That is why you should pay close attention and know if your Corgi is displaying aberrant shedding patterns.


Diets For Fur Health

Looking after your Corgi’s luscious fur is relevant to good shedding management.

You should make sure your Corgi’s diet is filled with Omega 3 fatty acids for superior health. These fatty acids contain nutritious fish oils required for skin and fur maintenance. This can help to solve your shedding problems because a healthy coat will shed less.

Omega 3 fatty acids can be found in supplements made especially for pets. These can simply be added to their regular meals. Another option is buying more expensive dog food that has high-quality ingredients, including oils.

However, don’t make a hasty judgment and always consult your veterinarian before feeding your Corgi supplements.


Aberrant Shedding Patterns And Risk Factors

If you keep up with your Corgi’s brushing schedule, you’re likely to notice if excessive shedding takes place. In such cases, take note of the brightness of their fur and general skin health. If you find these to be lacking, then you may want to contact your veterinarian.

Unusually heavy shedding can point to certain risk factors. It may indicate that you are not brushing frequently enough or using unsuitable brushing and grooming products. It can also directly reflect your Corgi’s physical health. Abnormally high shedding may suggest skin issues, unsuitable diet, hormonal imbalances, high-stress levels, and even tumors.


Haircuts And Shedding Management

Haircuts are a crucial part of grooming for most pets. Grooming and haircuts are important for fur management as well as aesthetic appeal. Your Corgi could definitely benefit from the usual trim to keep fur at the right length.

However, more intensive haircuts are not required for Corgis. This makes them low-maintenance, at least in this regard.

As per professional opinion, it is recommended that Corgi fur be left free of external influences. You can just continue with a consistent brushing pattern without anything fancier involved.

Since hairstyling is a major part of the cuteness factor, many pet owners invest in it. However, is this safe for your Corgi? The truth is that shaving the coat of your Corgi to create patterns or designs can be damaging. It can even cause patchy fur growth.

Another major health risk of shaving is that it leaves skin vulnerable to the sun and other weather elements. This depletes the protective layer that Corgis have developed over the years, exposing them to sunburn, heatstroke, and even hypothermia.


In Summation

In the final analysis, Corgi’s are undeniably heavy shedders. But with the proper care, you can effectively meet their requirements.

Over time, both you and your pet with become better acquainted with shedding patterns, and these won’t seem as problematic.

Make sure to keep their brushing schedules, diet, and overall health in mind as you go about shedding management.

With the knowledge you now have about Corgi shedding patterns, you can ensure the best health for your pet!



Common French Bulldog Allergies You Must Know About Sun, 20 Sep 2020 09:38:01 +0000 Are you a French bulldog parent and wondering whether your dog is experiencing an allergic reaction? This article will answer your query in addition to all the other things you need to know about French bulldog allergies.

Dogs undergo allergic reactions, just like humans. Dogs can get allergies as their body reacts to different allergens. This reaction can be mild or severe depending on the dog breed because different breeds react distinctively in the given conditions. French bulldogs have a particularly weak immune system, and they are more exposed to allergies than other breeds. Most allergies are common in every dog breed and share some symptoms; therefore, it is difficult to identify the exact trigger.

Most Common French Bulldog Allergies

Food, environmental, eye, and ear allergies are common in French bulldogs. All these allergies have some similar symptoms, including red/watery eyes and skin problems like itching, which makes it difficult to differentiate between them. To differentiate between them properly, we will discuss these allergies in detail. In most cases, you will be able to identify the allergy if you look at the symptoms closely.

1.     Food Allergy

Anything in the diet plan can trigger a food allergy, including dairy products, beef, chicken, soy, eggs, wheat, fish, or packaged food. Packaged food contains chemical preservatives, which can be a reason for French bulldog allergies. Symptoms of food allergy can include constipation, diarrhea, and straining when passing stools.

More common symptoms include scratching of body parts, including head, ears, and paws. If left unattended, this can lead to IBD (Inflammatory Bowel Disease). IBD is an intestinal and stomach disorder that makes the lining of the stomach or intestines thick, which affects the ability to digest properly. Proper diet and anti-inflammatory medicines can treat it.

2.     Environmental Allergy

Environmental allergies are also called inhalant allergies, and they can occur once or twice in a year for a particular period. The period can vary between two to three months. The main causes of environmental allergies are molds, house dust mites, pollen trees, and pet dander. Symptoms include excessive itching around the eyes/watery eyes, itching in between toes, sneezing, and ear infections.

The symptoms of inhalant allergy can also include wheezing. Wheezing occurs when the airways get irritated and swelled up due to the allergic reaction.

3.     Eye Allergy

As we have discussed earlier, eye problems are common in all kinds of allergies. A French bulldog’s eyes are more exposed to eye allergy because they are wider and comparatively bigger than other dogs. Eye allergy is secondary to food and environmental allergies.

Red eyes are pretty much common in French bulldogs, but if they are accompanied by watery eyes, this could be a sign of discomfort. Eye allergies are not always secondary, and they can also occur due to the direct exposure of eyes to the allergens/pollutants.

4.     Ear Allergy

Ear allergy is also like eye allergies. Both are secondary to food or environmental allergies. If your dog is shaking its head and rubbing ears more than usual, then there could be something unusual happening with its ears. More symptoms of ear problems include hair loss around the ears. This allergy can lead to bacterial infection in the ear, if not looked after.

How to Treat These Allergies?

No permanent treatment of allergies is available. The only treatment is taking care and preventing exposure to allergies. You can give your dog a medical treatment, but this treatment will only lower the symptoms.

If you notice that your beloved dog is getting irritated because of something in its food and showing symptoms like the disturbed stomach and scratchy skin, then the best thing is changing its diet. You can try an elimination diet for your dog. Elimination diet means giving your dog the food prescribed by the vet. Your dog should stop showing symptoms after 7-10 days. Once the symptoms are gone, add items in your dog’s diet one by one and notice closely if the symptoms return. You can also use allergy supplements. This will help your dog to give a healthy response towards food.

Treating environmental allergies can be tricky. Your dog’s skin can get a lot of irritation due to environmental allergic reactions. You cannot eliminate the allergens permanently. The best thing you can do is preventing your dog from that allergen as much as possible.

To soothe the allergic reaction, you can give your dog a shampoo therapy, which will work. If your dog shows symptoms like sneezing and wheezing, then you should visit your vet. He will suggest you some antihistamine medicine or steroids if the dog is showing some other symptoms.

If you notice irritated eyes and ears, do not let them get worse. French bulldogs have considerably big eyes, which make them vulnerable to more allergens. Learn to take care of your dog’s eyes. Clean its eyes daily because clean eyes are less likely to develop an infection. You can also use eye lubricants if you notice any irritation. There is a range of eye drops available from antihistamine to antibiotics. You can use one after consulting with your vet.

If you observe itchy and inflamed ears, you should clean them daily. Cleanliness will prevent a bacterial infection, which can be painful for your dog.

When Should You Be Concerned?

French bulldog allergies are not a threat to your dog’s health. They can become a threat when left untreated. We will discuss two situations when you should seek immediate medical help for your beloved dog.

If you observe your dog wheezing and having difficulty breathing, then you should consult with the vet as soon as possible. The second situation is where your dog can experience an anaphylactic shock, which can be a threat to your dog’s life. In this situation, your dog will suffer from all the symptoms at once. Your dog can suffer from an anaphylactic shock even after injecting vaccines. Observe your dog closely for some time after vaccination.

Anaphylactic shock is an extreme shock that threatens the life of your dog. It can be a result of an extreme reaction. This health condition is not common, but it happens when the body becomes extremely hypersensitive.

Other Common French Bulldog Allergies

In this section, we will discuss some dog allergies that are common in all dogs, including French bulldogs.

Allergic Dermatitis

This is the most common skin allergy in all dog breeds and is caused by flea bites. Flea includes more than two thousand species of small insects. Symptoms of allergic dermatitis include red, inflamed, and scaly skin. Allergic dermatitis can lead to anaphylactic shock if followed by immediate hypersensitivity. You can easily identify this skin allergy by the flea marks on your dog’s body. Regular shampoo can save your dog from these insects. Mostly, this type of reaction is not fatal if it is followed by delayed hypersensitivity.

Immediate hypersensitivity means when the body reacts against something in no time. This reaction develops symptoms very rapidly and leads to a shock. On the contrary, delayed hypersensitivity is not as dangerous as immediate hypersensitivity. It develops symptoms at a very slow rate and gives the body enough time to prepare against the reaction.

Contact Allergy

Contact allergy is not a very common allergy found in dog breeds. Causes of this allergy can be lawn pesticides and materials such as wool, carpets, or bedding. Contact allergy is the last thing you can consider if you cannot identify the trigger, and the dog is continuously suffering from allergy symptoms.


About 10% of dogs suffer from allergic reactions. Don’t worry if your dog is one of them because even the healthiest dogs often face a disorder. Most dogs experience allergies after six months of age. So, time to time vet visit is important after six months to check if your dog shows any symptoms. Environmental allergies develop in between one to three years of age.

Allergy is not a disease and can be prevented by proper care. Many people make a mistake of mixing allergies with some other disorder. French bulldogs can also suffer from Cleft Palate, which is a congenital disability. Its symptoms are similar to those of allergies, including excessive sneezing and chronic runny nose.

Ear infections are also very common in dogs. Make sure you are not relating the infection to an allergic reaction. Otherwise, the infection can get worse. The same is the case with eye disorders. People are not able to differentiate between the eye disorder and eye allergy. Conjunctivitis is a common eye disorder in many French bulldogs, and it often requires a surgical procedure.

After reading this article, you should be able to recognize French bulldog allergies and stop them before they create any other complications for your loving dog.

Are Beagles Good Apartment Dogs? Sun, 20 Sep 2020 09:36:39 +0000 Pooches are utterly charming pets, having them around you creates a happy and delightful environment. A few doggos can be naughtier, but that doesn’t mean that they won’t be good pets. One of the few concerns of having a furry companion is whether they will be comfortable at your home or not.

Find out more about their nature and if they would fit perfectly in your apartment!


Are Beagles ideal for apartments?

Beagles are small-sized dogs that may feel perfect for you if you’re living in an apartment. Beagles can snuggle in your apartment if you put enough effort and time into creating a comfortable home for them. The pooch is good for an apartment if they have their quotient of physical activity and get a lot of love.

Beagles will not feel comfortable in your apartment if it is not ideal in many ways. However, if you are keen on having one, some ways can help you out. Let’s dig deeper to know how you and your beagle can make it work.


What You Need To Know About Beagles And The Ideal Apartment For Them

To bring a beagle to your apartment, the new pooch, as well as your apartment, should be ready. If you have all the facts checked out, you are ready to bring this small adorable companion to your home.

Maintaining your apartment isn’t the only thing that will make your beagle comfortable in the place. You should note down a few essential to ensure the beagles are good to go and will have a pleasant time at the apartment.

Is The Apartment Big Enough For Both Of You?

This is the first question you should be asking yourself. The two of you shouldn’t be constantly in the way of each other or keep tripping over all the time. This would mean that your pooch is not getting plenty of space to stretch out, which will be uncomfortable. If your apartment is cramped up with furniture and appliances, then the pooch should probably wait.

An ideal apartment for beagles should be spacious and open. Your apartment should have enough space to fit both of you and all your stuff without cramping or cluttering. Apart from size, make sure all things are well arranged. A neat and tidy apartment will give both of you more space. A spacious home will keep the pooch happier and relaxed.

Are pets allowed in your apartment complex?

The residence where you live in should permit you to keep pets. This is one of the first things you need to be sure of. To get assurance over this, you can consult the front desk or the owners. Get clearance over all the questions you might be having about bringing a pooch at the complex.

If the owners or the complex has a ‘no pets allowed’ rule, then you can’t possibly have one. This can pose as one of the greatest obstacles in bringing a furry companion to your home. You’re lucky if you have a pet-friendly apartment because now you can bring home a little pooch without any worries.

Do Beagles Bark Too Much?

If you are living in an apartment, you surely realize that your privacy is compromised in numerous ways. Apartments are usually packed together, which makes it easier to hear each other. This means you can hear what’s going on with your neighbor, and similarly, they can hear you too. So, if your pooch barks, they will be able to hear it, and a few might not be pleased.

When it comes to beagles, they are very noisy pooches. Since beagles are popular for being hunting dogs, they tend to have louder and sharper barks than many other pooches. With beagles, you can have a lot of complaints about the sound. So you will need to do a few things if you’re persistent in bringing a beagle.

Does Your Apartment Have A Dog Park?

To ensure your beagle has a fun and healthy time, you need to be aware of a dog park near you. It is important to determine a dog park in your vicinity as beagles are very active pets. It is best and suitable if your apartment itself is pet-friendly and has a dog park.

Visiting the park with your beagle will provide the pooch great space for playing and running around. Parks are also great places to train your dogs for some fun physical activities. Ultimately, you will realize having a dog park is important for both the health and happiness of the pooch.

A dog park will also be good to fulfill the socialization needs of a beagle. Meeting new pups in the park can make teach the pooch to have good social etiquettes.  A few parks also have walking pathways where you can walk your pooch. Running and walking on pathways are great exercises for the pooch.

The Necessary Training For A Beagle

To make your beagle apartment ready, you must give the pooch a good toilet training. When you bring your beagle to your apartment, the first thing is to ensure is that they are housebroken. The pooch also should be well-accustomed with ‘doing their business’ at the correct place.

Well, new pooches will surely take some time to get trained, but the sooner you teach them, the better. If you have recently bought the beagle to your apartment, a lot of places will be unknown to the pooch. In such cases, make sure the doggo is trained not to go near these places. This is the first and foremost thing you should be teaching if you want to make your pooch adjust to your apartment.


What Else You Should Know

Beagles are on the most playful breeds you will ever come across. Once you bring home a beagle, you will feel nothing but joyful. You have to work a bit extra at the start, but once the beagle adjusts, all will be fine.

Give them a bit of freedom and let them explore around by sniffing and roaming. This will help them to get acquainted with the place and relax them. Once the pooch knows the place well, it will feel relaxed and safe. This will also help the beagle to ease down the stress and not react proactively.

Beagles are loveable and passionate dogs. The least you can do is give the best efforts and lots of time to the pooch. With your love, the pooch will adjust to the new home faster. During the initial days, do not leave your pup alone for a long time. If you are leaving for work, make sure to give your companion ample time in the morning.

Whether you are leaving them alone or not, provide the pooch with some toys to keep him engaged. Doggos can get bored easily; to keep them active at all times, you can buy a set of intriguing toys. Get some toys which make noises, look realistic, something like stuffed animals.

If your pooch is new to the apartment, give the guy some time to blend in. Do not go overboard with the training. Refrain from teaching the pooch too many things at a time. Especially if your new companion is a pup, it needs to be trained one step at a time.




Are Corgis Good Apartment Dogs? Sun, 20 Sep 2020 09:35:46 +0000 Corgis are an absolutely delightful and playful dog breed. Their small size and adorable appearance makes them one of the most popular pets.

If you are planning on adding this highly adaptable pet to your family, then you should continue reading. In this article, we answer all the questions you might have about bringing a tiny Corgi home. 


Do Corgis Make Good Apartment Dogs?

Yes! Corgis make good apartment dogs because of their small frame and sociable nature. Corgis are naturally small in size. So even when they reach adulthood, they remain relatively small. Most Corgis don’t grow more than 30 pounds. So, you don’t have to worry about them living in apartments comfortably.


Get To Know Corgis

Given how apartments and lofts don’t have much space, corgis can prove to be a great choice for small homes. These stubby-legged dogs are intelligent and highly independent. If they are provided with some fun and engaging toys, you can even leave them alone for a few hours.

Corgis were traditionally raised to take care of herds and cattle, and hence they’re extremely alert and watchful in nature. If your apartment has a window or balcony, your Corgis can be found spending much time watching life go by from it. They’re also known to be extremely social and amicable.

If you get a lot of visitors, Corgis won’t give you a hard time barking upon anyone. Corgis are known to be affectionate and cheerful. They spread joy and love wherever they are. Just like any other breed, they need their fair share of activities so that they can lead a healthy and happy life.

Just like humans, every dog has its own personality. Deciding to add a furry friend to your family is a big step and should not be taken without proper research.

If you are planning to adopt a Corgi, you should make sure that you know each and every little detail about them. Understanding their personality and needs can help you be more aware of them. This will also make you capable of providing care according to their needs to give them a happy and healthy life.

Below, we will walk you through the characteristics of Corgis that will convince you that they are great apartment dogs.



Corgis are known to be highly adaptable in nature. It is exactly why they can be found all the way up in Buckingham Palace with Queen Elizabeth, to all the way down in small lofts and tiny homes. They can easily live in any kind of dwelling and always try to bring a smile on everyone’s faces.

They are one of the best breeds to consider if you live in an apartment.



Corgis are highly independent and energetic dogs. Although all dogs have different personalities, in general, Corgis are known to be very loyal and intelligent. They are said to possess one of the highest IQ amongst other dog breeds. So, not only do they easily catch on, but they are also adept in understanding commands effectively.

They are highly attentive dogs, so you can be assured that they will listen to all your instructions. Not only that, but they are also great watchdogs who can alert you when they sense something out of the ordinary.

They prove to be great family dogs as they are gentle and very friendly. They bask in the attention and entertain you with their playful personality.

However, Corgis can also prove to be stubborn. They love to have their own way with things, but you can manage their behavior by giving them a careful training from when they are a puppy.


Size and Weight

Corgis are famous for having a small frame for their entire life. A fully grown corgi can be expected to be anywhere from 30-33 pounds. While the maximum height that they can reach is 30cms.

They are an ideal dog breed for keeping in apartments, and can even be crate and kennel trained. Their small size makes sure that they can be kept in apartments without breaking any apartment rules.

Corgis may be small in size, but that does not undermine their personality. They possess the confidence that of big dog breeds and are fondly said to be big dogs in a small body.



Do not be fooled by their size, these tiny Corgis love to play. They need to be taken regularly for walks so that they can burn off their excess energy. They also need to be regularly engaged in intuitive physical activities so that they can use their mental energy on them.

Corgis tend to get bored easily, so make sure that you surround them with enough engaging toys that they spend their time playing with. If you provide them with enough activities and toys, you can even leave them alone for some hours.

It should also be noted that Corgis need varied levels of activities throughout their lifespan. While puppies under six months do not need much activity, 7-13-month-olds need a high level of activity. Older Corgis need a fairly less amount of activity as they have less energy to burn.



Like every dog, Corgis also need grooming. They shed twice a year. Their shedding can easily be managed by brushing their coat every alternative day, giving them timely baths, and providing them with a nutritious diet.


Frequently Asked Questions

By now, you must have realized how bringing a Corgi to your apartment is a good idea. But if you need more clarity on your decision, you can go through the following frequently asked questions to be more convinced.


Are Corgis kid-friendly?

Corgis are considered to be very gentle and friendly. They are never known to be aggressive near known family members. In fact, Corgis love to play with kids. They show affection towards people and are very protective in nature.


Are Corgis difficult to train?

Although Corgis are famous for being stubborn and working on their own terms, they are not hard to train. They are very smart and attentive, and hence they catch on training very fast. In fact, Corgis can also be given agility training apart from obedience training as they are known to run very fast.


Can Corgis be left alone for a long period?

Like any dog, Corgis can also develop separation anxiety when left alone for a longer period. However, that being said, Corgis are very independent in nature. If you take them for long walks and provide them stimulating and entertaining activities like puzzles, toys, etc., they can be left alone for a few hours while you’re free to run errands.


Do Corgis bark a lot?

Barking is a way of communication that is common to all dogs irrespective of their breeds. Corgis are highly alert and efficient watchdogs. They alert their owners by barking when they sense something off.  The barking of Corgis can be easily managed by giving them training and making them understand not to bark a lot. They’re very intelligent, and hence quickly learn how to behave.


Final Takeaway

Corgis are incredibly smart dogs with an adorable body and warm personality. They gel very well with people and live comfortably in apartments. With a little care, love, and training, Corgis have proven to be amazing companions.




Are Golden Retrievers Hyper? Sun, 20 Sep 2020 09:34:40 +0000 Golden retrievers are the most beloved and popular breed in the world. Nobody can disagree with the fact that they are highly active and playful pets. Their unique color, sheer soft hairs, and activeness can captivate everyone around them.

There are various factors that affect the mood of Goldies. Let’s find out more about their hyper behavior!


Are Goldies hyper in nature?

Golden retrievers are considered to be easy-to-keep pooches, but sometimes they can be fiddle footed or hyper. These big doggos can be uncontrollable at the time when they are hyper. The retrievers should receive their daily fragment of exercise, failing to do so might result in the pooch to feel hyper.

You can have a tough time if your retriever is big and high-strung frequently. Before you judge them further, it’s important to know what triggers them further. Luckily, there are ways you can channel that energy and calm them.


When Are Golden Retrievers Hyper?

Golden retrievers are working retriever doggos, which means they have a high energy level that should be released productively. Failing to channel their energy correctly, the retrievers are prone to react in less desirable ways. You must understand your companion well and know what activates the hyper behavior.


Insufficient Physical Activity

If you already own a retriever, you will probably know the great need for physical activity for them. Since these pooches are high at energy, running around, playing, and jumping helps them express their energy positively. If your retriever is feeling hyper lately, one of the causes may be a lack of physical activity.

Be sure to address the needs of the retriever to be fit and healthy. Also, a lack of exercise can cause them to gain obnoxious weight. This, in turn, will make them feel uncomfortable and snappy.


Inadequate Attention

In many cases, retrievers turn hyper to try to get your attention. This might sound a little bit odd, but it’s true. This happens when you are not paying a lot of attention to your pooch throughout the day. The retrievers understand that by being hyper, they can somewhat grab your attention, and thus they do so. It will slowly develop to behave hyper frequently.

We all love to be greeted by our pets when we arrive home after work. A hyper dog who feels the lack of attention will go overboard with the welcome greetings. When the pooch is hyper, they will jump on you, bark loudly, tip over things, etc.



Having a golden retriever means you have to be as active as they are. If the pooch is not engaging in a few activities, it is surely going to get bored. Your canine companion may also feel boredom if you leave him alone for long durations. You should also know that boredom can affect the retriever negatively and make them hyper.

This intelligent dog requires constant stimulation and activity of some kind. Many pet owners fail to consider that their friend is not evolved to sleep and roam the whole day. Boredom leads the pooch to develop bad habits and showcase an increased behavior of being hyper.



A few retrievers tend to act hyper when they are going through separation anxiety. Separation anxiety occurs when your pooch feels left alone. Retrievers who feel this anxiety do not like to be left alone in the house for a long time. This may be closely related to boredom as well. Being alone makes the pooch feel worried and tensed.

You can identify separation anxiety by carefully noticing a few symptoms. The symptoms of separation anxiety are being destructive, peeing inside. These symptoms occur when you are away, or you are about to leave. This is what leads the retriever to be hyper.


Feeding Wrongly

A retriever’s diet is one of the prime determiners of his behavior. If there is an issue with the diet, your pooch reacts negatively. Feeding wrongly can also mean not feeding adequately. If the doggo is feeling hyper, it may be because he is not getting the correct source of nutrition.

Your furry friend will also act hyper after consuming certain foods. Foods that the retriever doesn’t like eating should be eliminated from his diet. Another reason explaining the hyper behavior may be due to changes in the diet. So, if you have recently experimented or altered his diet, the pooch may get hyper.


Receiving Encouragement For Such Behavior

Everyone is fond of their furry friends and put all efforts to provide them with all the things that comfort them. But this act of yours may be unknowingly the reason that he resorts to the hyper behavior. Overpampering and giving everything that he demands may spoil the pooch further.

If you give toys, treats, and attention whenever your retriever is hyper, he will do it often to continue the treatment. You have to discourage this behavior and reward the pooch only when he is well behaved.


How To Calm Golden Retrievers

Hyperactive dogs tend to have poor impulse control. As an owner, you can do a  few things to increase the impulse control of your pooch. If you put great efforts, your pooch may never showcase any kind of hyper behavior. We have listed a few ways in which you can calm your retriever.



To stop that hyperactive behavior, you need to train your pooch very well. You can start by teaching small things like sitting and playing. Always ensure that you provide training to the retriever wherever he feels homely.

Once the pooch picks up the basics, you can train him for much harder and challenging things. Training will also teach your companion to listen to you.


Trying New Activities

Retrievers love all kinds of physical activities. You can regularly take your retriever to the park and play new games. Allowing him to swim is an even better option. Apart from this, you can give the pooch some new toys and rotate out the older ones. This way, you can increase the retrievers’ productivity and eliminate boredom.


Let The Retriever Socialize

Introducing the retriever to new faces can help him be more friendly and calm. Every time your pooch meets a new person or fellow canine, they may feel good. Taking your pup for a walk to a dog park where he can socialize is a good idea. This will help the retriever to adapt to all kinds of environments.

More Information

Keeping up with a golden retriever is indeed very challenging. If you train them well through the start, the pooch will be very well behaved and smart. You must create a good relationship with your furry companion. Try to understand their behavior and cater to their basic demands.

It is best if you train the retriever by yourself, in this way, the pooch gets to spend maximum time with you. If you’re unable to do so, you can always take the help of a professional trainer to train your dog. You should also pay attention to the health of your retriever, a sick pooch is prone to get fussy and irritated easily.

Do not forget to reward them for their good behavior. Treat them with new toys and their favorite treats to make them happy. A doggo is a huge responsibility, you must put maximum efforts to make them feel comfortable.



Are Golden Retrievers Protective Sun, 20 Sep 2020 09:33:57 +0000 Each and every dog out there is special and cute in some way or the other. However, one cannot deny that a golden retriever is one of the most adorable of the lot! With its everlasting smiling face and that unceasing wiggly tale, a golden retriever is bound to melt down your heart!


Is Golden Retriever A Protective Breed?

Yes, they are really protective. Golden Retriever is known to be the kindest, friendliest, and most affectionate breed. They have a heart full of immense love for everyone around them. This loving temperament makes them fall in love with their owners. Your Golden Doodle will devote its all to love you and be faithful to you.


What’s more to come?

You can expect your lovely doggo to be protective at all times. The love naturally builds in them a protective instinct towards their human.

You must be wondering by now that since they are protective, can golden retriever make for good guard dogs? I’m afraid to disappoint you, but no. Why not? Read further to know.


Will My Golden Retriever Protect Me From Danger?

Golden Retriever is one of the most loyal of all the canine companions. They have a calm spirit and always tend to please their humans. Protecting the owner at all costs is a natural instinct. However, this instinct will lead them to protect you from any possible danger that is debatable. There are several factors to determine if your pal will protect you from danger or not.



To be able to protect the owner depends on how your Goldie has been trained. Golden Retriever is a “beauty with brain” breed. Their intelligence makes it easy to train them while they are young. Training them can be a tedious task once they have grown up because they are extremely friendly and playful. They will tend to play more than train.

It is still not sure that the retriever will save you from physical danger. They are not naturally aggressive. In adverse situations, they might not attack an intruder, even when they desperately wish to protect you. It would rather aggressively bark to scare away the intruder.

Nevertheless, there have been several instances where even untrained dogs have protected their owners from severe dangers like assault and burglary.



If your golden friend has not been very social from a young age, it is likely for your pooch to be overly protective when you’re around strangers. Being an animal, your doggo knows the possible threats posed by other doggies or animals. Then again, it will behave over protectively and might as well get aggressive.

That being said, your Goldie might not act very protective if the case is the opposite. That is, if the retriever has been a social bee and is friendly with strangers, it might not act protective when needed.

However, it is always better for your furry pal to be over-friendly than being overprotective. The reason being it will be difficult for you to manage your doggo around strangers if it is overly protective.


A Deterrent to Danger

It is likely that a Golden Retriever will possibly fail to protect you against severe physical danger. Nonetheless, it will still act as a deterrent.  

Golden Retrievers are big and sturdy dogs. A person who is planning to attack, you will think twice whether to attack or not if your friend is accompanying you.

All dogs have this temperament to alert their owners of impending danger. Your Goldie will continue to bark furiously to make sure that you are alert of dangers like fire or an intruder. However, it is still advisable to take necessary precautions because sometimes your doggo might not alert you for some reason.


Do Golden Retrievers Make Good Guard Dogs?

To feel protective is one thing and to be able to protect is certainly the other. Being protective is a natural instinct of Golden Retrievers, but attacking is not. Your Golden Retriever is so loyal that it will always be keen to protect you, but will it be able to do it is a big question.

To be a guard dog simply means to be able to protect you in any type of dangerous situation. The dog needs a naturally aggressive temperament to act in emergency situations. A Golden is inclined to stay beside you in the face of danger because of its overly protective feeling for you. Situations like these may sometimes rather add to your danger.

Although Golden Retrievers are not naturally good guard dogs, they can be trained to be one. It is easy to train retrievers into becoming guard dogs because they are intelligent and obedient. Moreover, they are instinctively protective, incredibly loyal, and large in size, which makes them a good candidate for a guard dog.


Does Protective Nature Make Golden Retriever A Good Companion Dog?

Human companionship is one of the best traits of the Golden Retriever. Though they can be trained, Golden Retriever is better off as a companion dog than as a guard dog. They prove to be a good guide for blind owners. They are also regarded as one of the best companions for the deaf.

Golden Retrievers are also very popular as service dogs for people who suffer from epilepsy. People with epilepsy frequently suffer from seizures. Goldie’s strong instincts help them to know beforehand that a seizure is going to occur. They can save the owner by getting early help.

So you see, a Golden Retriever is much more than a cuddle buddy. Their intelligence and obedience to the owner, along with that pretty face, make them the most adorable companions out there.


What Are The Pros And Cons Of Being Protective?

There are many advantages to being a protective dog. First of all, a protective dog will always be loyal and faithful to you. They will never leave your side even if they are themselves in danger. They might not be able to attack your enemy during an assault, but they will stand right next to you and might even take the blow in order to save you.

Golden doggo is a pro at calming you down. They help you to overcome depression. They are surely the best cuddle partners who help you essentially in your days of anxiety and stress.

There are not many cons of a protective Golden doggo. Just that they tend to become aggressive if they have the urge to protect you.

When you are around people who are your friends but strangers to your doggo, it will become difficult to handle or dominate them. They will look up to these strangers as a threat and will try to become the super-doggo to the rescue of its human. Sounds cute, but can be annoying at times.


To Sum It Up

Golden Retriever is both your friend and your protector. This big furry creature has not only golden hair but a golden heart as well. They are sure to become the most lovable member of your family.

A Goldie is the best cuddle buddy. They come with a package of infinite free hugs! Most of all, they give you unconditional love in exchange for a few belly rubs and a little scuffing behind the ears.

